Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog Love :: Thinker Maker

I love trawling through blogs. And if you're reading this post, I'm guessing you do too.

There are the pretty blogs, the helpful blogs and the news blogs. And they're all fun and great to read. But every now and then, you come across a great blog that gets you thinking, and I mean, really thinking. They make you re-evaluate your personal choices and fire up your passion for the subject being blogged about. I love these blogs and whenever I'm having a 'I feel lost' kind of moment, I surf my way over to one of these sites and read a post or two. They remind me of my personal loves and inspire me to keep working hard to make my business successful and lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Thinker Maker is one of these said blogs.

The blog author is Hayley Lau and if your thinking, 'that name sounds familiar...' then you'd be right. Hayley is the creator of the fashion label Heidi + Seek, which Hayley has chosen to put aside "...to find something [she] enjoys more." I really respect that and admire that Hayley had the courage to recognise that her business wasn't bringing her happiness anymore, and make the decision to move on to new things. When you've given something your all for a long time, this can be hard to admit, accept and make changes to move on.

Thinker Maker is an inspiring diary recording Hayley's journey towards a more thoughtful and sustainable way of living, focusing on the choices we make every time we buy something. It's about thrifting, being creative and, most of all, being aware of the impacts our shopping purchases make not only on the environment, but on the way our society functions as a whole. Each post is thoughtful, insightful and beautifully written.

I highly recommend you check out Thinker Maker and let me know your thoughts. And if you have or know of a great eco-fashion blog that you think is worth recommending, let me know so I can check it out too!

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